Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Less than.....

I'm done feeling

less than because other people have more money than I do
less than because I'm too skinny like they said I was when I was a young
less than because I'm too heavy like they said I was when I hit middle age
less than because my hair is turning grey
less than because I have to buy shoes at Kmart instead of Dillards
less than because I can't buy the things other people can buy
less than because the gifts I give are smaller
less than because my house isn't perfect
less than because my yard isn't manicured
less than because my skin isn't flawless
less than because my bra size is smaller
less than because I couldn't afford braces for my teeth
less than because I got sick and now bill collectors won't leave me alone
less than because we lived together without being married
less than because I was pregnant without a wedding ring
less than because I lost my child to adoption
less than because I don't believe what others believe


  1. I'm done too!!! Great post Carlynne ~ thanks!

  2. That's right, because you aren't less than. That is just what they want you to believe...

  3. Thanks ladies :)
    Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves that those messages coming from a variety of sources are not true. Taking care of ourselves and being true to ourselves means ignoring what other people think we should be.
